Social stratification can be done in several ways. At this time almost all types of current generations alive presented. Nevertheless, the Lost Generation is somehow lost, but even here, as the triangle two world wars (WW I, WW II, WW III [Iraq war]), effects on production of building.
Historical events in the United States of America was formed due to different generations. Wars, industrialization, immigration, panic, booms, recessions,Big business, changes in social groups can emergencies of various schools and manifestations, etc., as that would have resulted in a generation are listed. Some of these phenomena are considered special for generations (for literary, social, etc.). Among them, Lost Generation and the Beat Generation, are well known in literature and the Lost Generation, the baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y are well known in the social context.
According to Encarta Encyclopedia generationas explained:
Interval between the birth parents and the birth of their offspring. This is taken as a rule, about 30 years. All children of a certain number of parents are members of the same generation, although it may be years apart. In anthropology, the term refers to a level of generation, line of descent from an ancestor particular. The records were taken, the descent of anthropologists trace the various branches of a tribe by manyGenerations.
In sociology, the members of a society that must be considered around the same time, born of the same generation. So the scientists, the social behavior of a particular generation attempt to studying the habits and explain the events of that time. Often considerable differences between the generations can be found, for example, during the Vietnam War, young adults in the United States and other countries tend to be good anti vocal antiwar activists. The older generation, many ofhad they had served in the armed forces during the Second World War, are often more conservative in their responses to the war, at least during the early years. These differences in attitudes and beliefs often lead to misunderstanding and resentment between the generations. [1]
Lost Generation
Lost Generation is a post-war generation, which has lost its direction, the generation, no goals or aspirations. The concept of roots from a comment made byGertrude Stein to Ernest Hemingway, they are all a lost generation that Perdue by a manager of a garage, une génération belongs (a lost generation) - and, of course, Hemingway AlsoRises as an epigraph to The Sun (1926). This is a generation that many of his men killed in war, in particular the First World War. In this case, can be considered as a generation generally, but especially a group of American writers who are mature and develop their identities during the war andEstablished his literary reputation in 1920. In fact, as an incomplete maturation during a period of instability generation writers, including Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Carlos Williams, Thornton Wilder, Archibald MacLeish and Hart Crane, who rejected American values and lived in Paris and went into writing shape after World War I in 1920 and 1930. The group never formed a cohesive literary movement, but consists of many influential AmericanWriter.
Baby-boom generation
This generation was larger than expected generation in the United States shortly after the Second World War, due to a sharp increase in the rate of birth of a nation in 15 years was born just after the Second World War. Here's a look at Microsoft's encyclopedia on the characteristics of this concept:
After World War II birth rate shot up, and by mid-1950 were 30 percent higher than in the depths ofDepression. The upturn is unprecedented in fertility produces a baby-boom, which is both a result of postwar prosperity and a reaction to the deprivations of the depression and war. This boom has contributed to the growth of suburbs in the postwar period. The baby-boom generation has had a profound impact on America. Education cost increases, as the current generation of children of school age. The youth culture of the 1960s, in part, the predominance of youth and young adultsBaby boomers. And recognizing that the baby boomers retire in the first decades of the 21st century will have early, the creditworthiness of the social security system has become a major concern. The birth rate fell again in mid-1950, although the 76 million baby boomers born 1946-1964 has contributed to a second, smaller baby boom in the years 1970 and 1980, when they reached adulthood and started their own children.
A number of changes that affect fertility1950. Many married women who had taken temporary jobs during the crisis of World War II is looking for permanent positions. As these women moved into the labor market, have demanded more effective methods of birth control. In 1960, new forms of contraception were available, including moving the pill, intrauterine devices and surgical techniques for permanent infertility, such as tubal sterilization for women and vasectomy for men. At the end of the 20th century, 64 percent ofWomen aged 15-44 reported on birth control. Since 1957, the trend of total fertility rate down. [2]
Generation X was born Americans between mid 1960 and mid 1970. Like a generation after the Baby Boomers, Generation X, as perceived demotivated and directionless, disillusioned, cynical or apathetic, generally classified as traditional values and strongly influenced by massMedia and technology, a generation that wanted to change the work ethic: this generation, argues that the jobs disappeared, such as school and university. Charles Hamblett and Jane Deverson's 1964 novel "Generation X" may be known as the origin of the term in which the author describes the children who had grown up in recent years of the 20th century, as apathetic and materialistic. According to Douglas Copeland labor Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture (1991), the termwas prevalent in the '80s and early '90s. They were young adults in the third millennium.
Generation Y
Due to the fact that these people after generation X, the group is born already mentioned, Generation YERS who was born in 1978 or later. Also known as "Millennials, known to be born at the dawn of the new millennium. These, with a comparison with major U.S., Member recent wars. Although she has not personally participated in the war,their lives and their future is in the products concerned.
It appears that war have been, would have a greater impact on the generation of buildings, as is obvious to the Lost Generation (WW I), Baby Boomers (WW II), Generation X (Vietnam War) and Generation Y (Iraq 1. And 2 ° war).
[1] Microsoft Encarta 2007
[2] Ibid.