The state of Kerala was to pass the rule of the Left and the Congress-led parties, all five years, almost like a ritual. While the policy experts call "anti-tenure factor", in reality, we know that the people of Kerala, to think with a much-vaunted high rate of illiteracy, talk, eat and breathe politics. Very aware of this influence on their political credentials policies.
These changes are associated with frequent power cuts, the state of Kerala, without significant leftProgress in the fields of industrial development and information technology. The state is responsible for his problems at work often and well known is the dreaded "strike". Six decades after the British had left our shores, Kerala remains in a deep ethic, the work of industrial growth discourages blocked.
While states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana and many other countries got on the train of information technology and welcomed the multinational companies with open arms, Keralahas an arrogant attitude, and concluded by these companies.
E 'state after the adoption of the precious time that has occurred to the administration of Kerala, which has been the increase in unemployment and lack of industrial development problems to be tackled if drastic changes in political ideology have been adopted.
In 2003, the then Congress-led government embarked on a mega-project to build a technology park, the house would be IT-enabled services, media services and biotechnology institutionsIn Kochi, the commercial capital of the state.
This would be carried out POS for the entire private equity with the government chipping in with the land at a fair price and all other infrastructure such as electricity, water and other revenue. In return the investor would be to offer the employment of young qualified specialists of the State and their problems of unemployment.
Dubai Internet City, the developers of infrastructure and services, hasduly invited to sign the work of the project details and an agreement with the government. Meanwhile, the entire project was launched almost a non-starter with lots of life, of heat to the government with the opposition parties, and other s envrionmentalists wear raising a fuss about how the state's resources have been plundered and devastated the surrounding vegetation.
After a little 'hot violent conflict and a change of government, the agreement was finally signed with the DubaiInternet City. Smart City in Kochi was built in 1000 acres of land near the government-owned InfoPark the edge of town. With the built space of more than 8.8million square feet, with a total sq.ft. 6.2million for the IT sector alone, the Smart City in Kochi would be one of the largest technology parks in India.
With the uncertainty about the project in between, the team visited the proposed site in December and expressed satisfaction. Smart City in Kochiis an extension of Dubai Internet City in Dubai. A self-contained campus with housing, schools and an entertainment complex, the Smart City, the functioning of society and communication technology. The Smart City will work as the DIC, which offers foreign companies 100 percent tax-free ownership, 100 percent repatriation of capital and profits, no currency restrictions, easy registration and licensing, stringent cyber regulations,The protection of intellectual property.
When it was commissioned by the Smart City project of the state of Kerala went IT world map and free the state from self-imposed prison obsolete ideology and practices are not feasible.