Only volunteers
LWF is composed entirely of volunteers to assist at its own expense, though many programs that run to pay for the children. "I'm very hands on, '" says Warwick, "You have a very low overhead and work very hard to get the most effective return on their investments. They have raised nearly $ 1 million last year and have expanded their programs rural China. "
LWF Overhead in 2005 was only 1.7 per cent, and none of the directorsor administrators to take a salary. Love has no lease or rent, utilities and professional fundraiser. They make a conscious effort to be worth every penny for needy children. In 2006, LWF relation to donor states: "We know that our donors have placed their trust in us, and we are good stewards of the funds that are administered with such hope and love for orphans in China."
"E 'for this reason that I feel happy that support them," Warwicksays.
The healing of children with many types of medical needs has always been one of the aims of the Lutheran World Federation. In 2006, LWF has 420 children with life-changing operations, "an increase of over 100 children treated over the previous year. LWF carefully selects the surgeons who use in China, and often children to ensure consignments one province to another, for them to get the absolute best medical care possible.
Loving Foster Homes
"The success of our programs in fosterChina can not be overstated, "the report continued." Once again we see such wonderful progress and development of children placed in loving foster-homes. For this reason, LWF has taken the decision to double its program of expectations in 2006.
Now we have put in more than 300 children in residential care in 12 cities in China. Some of our happiest moments have occurred when children were at first, and for the adoption of a delay so flourished under the care of "Mama" and"Baba", who later claimed to his family. "
LWF diet program grew steadily over the past three years. Love is now caters to 11 orphanages in six provinces with food and opened a bottle of cleft of the Fund. Individual sponsorships for 19 children with special nutritional nutritional needs were also established last year. Every three months LWF broadcasts high quality, nutrient formula ironfortified rice and cereals in an orphanage in hisNutrition program.
Develop training and education
LWF education programs in 2006 to expand further. Currently there are 193 children in programs in eight provinces. Children aged 20 months to young adult college students.
LWF education program is aimed at newer Changde SWI in Hunan province. Believe In Me II, the second school for children with special needs, which opened in September. "Our new teachers Guangdong traveled by trainMontessori methods, and already we can see so much joy in the faces of children at school for the first time in his life, "the report added.
Do not forget the experience
In 2006, LWF sent more than 100 Chinese citizens in orphanages throughout China for the week long experience for the impact on the lives of children. The specialist for music, art, education, attending computer science, English and build orphanages in Henan, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong and giveChildren a camp experience not soon forget. While there, the team also helped with the improvement projects such as muralling orphanage walls, construction of a playground and the establishment of centers for older boys.
For the year 2006. LWF is also expanding its training programs for physical therapy and treatment plans to offer orphanages in China. In July, three teams of therapists Lu'an, traveled Anhui, Ding Yuan, Anhui and Fuzhou, Fujian Province. The children were assessed individually and treatmentStrategies have been developed by the therapist. Physiotherapists created phototherapy pounds for each child, so that workers failed to replicate the exercises with the children. Each child also received a therapeutic tool or a toy, by the therapist.
Jaw Surgery Trips
On 29 October 2006, sent its third annual gap LWF surgical team in Hefei, Anhui province. The operations were in Anhui Children's Hospital in collaboration with the medical staff and has led theMinistry of Health. Eighty children were scheduled for cleft lip or cleft palate surgery.
Forty volunteers from the United States adopted the United Kingdom, Ireland and China in this mission, which consisted of six days after surgery, and on another day of medical information with the local hospital.
The 2006 Annual Report to the donor is not a good understanding of the work of love, but what really catch the meaning and importance of voluntary work can not be seen inthe many images of children are published on the website of the Lutheran World Federation.
It 'not only children, shows the demand for all these activities as director of operations Amy Eldridge blog. She writes: "I always know I had a good day in Shantou, when I stumble to my hotel room in which spitting" up, potty, and lots of hugs. And today was no exception! "
There are many ways to help Beyond Borders, by volunteering to donate funds to support a child. Look attheir website and there will probably be moved to do something.