Cosplayers as aspirants, should be at least a cosplay idol. Why? Almost all those who have always been successful at all inspired for the first time by someone else. Someone who motivates them as well or even better a day. Hey, that's big dreams anything is possible. Who knows, you might end up so well, cosplay, who earn their living. Imagine, the rest of your days, visitors to conventions around the world and get paid for it! Yes, feelsme. Such a thing exists. . . and no, it is Somewhere Over The Rainbow ".
Random Fun Fact:
In Japan, what are known as cosplay cosplayer or professional models. Yes, pay, people are here to get the dress costume and photographed. Sounds like a sweet job, eh? But take very seriously their job, and must, because professional cosplayer $ 150 per hour, on average, demand, and more, all 30 minutes later. Moreover, the fact that professional cosplaydoes not require a degree in school or special training makes it a highly competitive sector.
We all know the importance of screenshots for reference cosplay. They help you, "right" and make your cosplay "is incorrect." But we come to terms with all the L cosplayers today, and the ubiquitous Misa Misa, Sasuke, Axel and Roxas cosplayers around, an 'exact cosplay' is sometimes not enough to stand out in a meeting again.
So how to do a cosplayOutfit that transcends all others? This guy makes congoingers stop and look fear in the crowd around you add to your creative cosplay, or ask to take photos of you and then both Glomp breaks ribs and die? . . . Okay, maybe not the last. . .
But the point is that if you're at a convention cosplay want, maybe even win one (or all) of the costume prizes, then you need a costume that is head. How do you do this? First, find a cosplay idol.This is someone who look to themselves is to get better. Ask yourself: "What makes them so good?" And 'its accessories? Or his attention to detail? Your choice of fabrics, or the nature of their attitude and personality shine through in the photos? Pay particular attention to the costume you are trying to re-create, use your imagination and a bit 'of your personality to your cosplay.
Popular Idols Cosplay include Internet celebrities and professional Japanese cosplayer Adella Arisa Mizuhara.But there are many, many talented cosplayers out there. Check the website in the resource box for even more Idols Cosplay!