วันอังคารที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The Canadian health system and its problems

The U.S. government spent 783 billion U.S. dollars in 2006, Medicare and Medicaid. But if universal health care in this country, it would probably go well over a trillion dollars. And taxes will probably increase. Americans want affordable healthcare or a universal system of health care. This is a great debate during the presidential election. But did you know that the American system of free markets, development of new drugs and techniques generated because the system offersIncentives for innovation and efficiency? Note that in the context of our current health care system, you can go to the doctor every time you want to know, no tail? Well, this is not the case in Canada. Here are some criticisms of health care:

57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more of a specialist, 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room.

A March 2, 2004 article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal noted, was "under SaskatchewanFire with the longest waiting times in the country for a diagnostic MRI - a huge 22 months. "

A February 28, 2006 article in The New York Times quoted Dr. Brian Day as saying: "This is a country where dogs can be a hip replacement in less than a week, where people wait two or three years can get. "

Canada shortage of doctors is causing problems. At 2.2 doctors per thousand population, Canada is well below the OECD average of 3.0, although the 10 nursingRante slightly above the OECD average of 8.6. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organization of thirty countries that accept the principles of representative democracy and free market economy.

Doctors in Italy are an average of $ 202,000 per year (2006), before expenses. Alberta has the highest average salary of about 230,000 $, while Quebec has the lowest average annual salary of 165,000 $, the creation of inter-provincial competition forDoctors and contribute to the lack of premises.

In 1991, the Ontario Medical Association agreed to a province-wide closed shop, that the Union OMA a monopoly. Critics argue that this measure is limited supply of doctors to guarantee the income of their members.

According to an article of 2007, the Canadian medical profession is suffering from a brain drain. The article states: "One in nine doctors trained in Canada is the practice of medicine in the United States. If the Canadian educatedDoctors who are excluded Born in the USA, is the number one in 12.

A February 28, 2006 article in The New York Times stated, "accepting money from patients for operations that are otherwise receive free in a public hospital is technically prohibited in this country, even in cases where patients would wait months or also take years of treatment ... Canada is the only industrialized country that prohibits the purchase of privately funded practitionersServices. "

In 2006, a Canadian judge has threatened to close a private hospital because he had planned from the beginning to accept private payments from patients. According to The New York Times, clinics, even if privately funded are illegal in Italy, many clinics are opening in every case, because patients do not like long waiting lists in the system of government.

In an interview in 2007, ABC News, Professor Regina Herzlinger from Harvard Business School, said: "Many hospitals across Canadaillegal for profit ... They know that they do not need medical care, legal system, so that in creating an illegal system that gives them what they need to be accomplices. "

It seems that they still have a lot of work. If you live in Canada and read this article would let me know if something has changed or become better, I love the feedback.

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Weapon HAARP and earthquakes Revealed Haiti Assignment 3 of 3 ... Weapon of Mass Destruction

Nikola Tesla's Death Ray is an evil spirit-control machine called HAARP and earthquakes, which caused many to believe that the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, which more than 250,000 men, women and children killed. The U.S. military has sent over 15,000 e-armed soldiers, which have hampered efforts by other countries who really want to put the food and supplies are available. People are dying of hunger and illness, while the American forces to Haiti to ensure its military agenda. Never in my wildestDreams I would have thought that the country where I was born and raised would be a launching pad for Armageddon lunch. America is really high, and the devil and I say, jacked world ... There are still good people left in America. Do not judge us or hate us for the bad actions of the demons that have jacked the high expectations of our government and brainwash the American people. May God protect you and everyone in this life or the next.

Haiti Earthquake: Saint-Louis de Gonzague (1)

Saint-Louis de Gonzague Rue du Center

New video CCTV shake take Haiti

The images captured by the earthquake when Haiti was on a closed circuit camera in a bakery in the suburb of Delmas in the capital Port-au-Prince. They show people fleeing in panic, some waving cars out of the oven, and a building across the street to collapse.

5 ways on how the victims of poverty in Africa Aid

Many people think that they are not able to help victims of poverty. I firmly believe that anyone can submit a hand, and need not always be through the offer of money. Let me briefly about how to help victims of poverty in Africa.


Food is a basic need for all peoples. Food has changed in the continent, because the decline in the production of food shortages, the result of several factors. Drought, famine, lack of resources, are deadone factor that food is scarce. Increasingly, African countries depend on hand-out to feed its population and people are dying of hunger. Assistance in the form of food can make a big difference.


Health care is another option, the victims of poverty in Africa to help. Almost every house has been limited, or lack of adequate access to medical care on the continent (worldhealth.org United Nations are affected). The reality is that Africans are called into question when it comes to health,in addition to their faith in their traditional medicines. Some have died for the lack of health care, has caused some illnesses such as AIDS, are manageable, but people who die sooner than they should.


There is a growing number of homeless on the continent that can not be ignored. Almost every city has people living there, sleep in pipes, etc. These people were of different reasons, but the common denominator is that all of them are displacedhomeless.


I firmly believe that a pause is the way to fight poverty and the chain of poverty through education. If a family member affected by poverty, access to education, it is believed, would he / she earn income and to look after his siblings as dependents of their life would not be the same. Various reasons, to adopt African children in education and need a lot to change their lives.

Viable projects

This is my last pointabout how to help victims, poverty in Africa.

Can always be difficult to make a donation to the people, but also when they try to leave their situations of poverty, will move a smaller load. In some parts of the continent, people just need corn flour, but will be able to nourish their life by growing vegetables yourself and sell the surplus. E 'encouraging to see people trying to help themselves as solely relying on the hands out. Assistance for Africans themselves start their conservation projectsespecially in food production is one way, it could help fight poverty in Africa and Africans, even help themselves. You may suffer poverty and hunger, but they were the workers.

Earthquake no Haiti - Earthquake - 12:01:10

For Earthquake na escala de force 7 Richter atingiu or país na Quarta-feira (12), destruindo vários na Prédios capital Port au Prince, causing devastação And no país da América Central. O trembling Afetou a estrutura de Telecomunicações no país, and as informações sobre danos Vítimas e ainda são desencontradas.

As Mahatma Gandhi Independence of Kashmir deadlock

MK Gandhi, pioneer and perfector of Satyagraha - the resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience, has a very dark role in the politics of Kashmir. He has succeeded in preventing the Maharaja of Kashmir to declare independence and thus paved the way for an offensive accession of Kashmir.

The events of the summer of 1947 showed some amazing facts about Gandhi and his role in the ongoing conflict in Kashmir, a conflict that has the potential of a sparkNuclear war between India and Pakistan.

Hari Singh, the Maharaja (King) of Kashmir, the Indian National Congress hated and India and Pakistan wanted to remain independent. He asked for a standstill agreement by India and Pakistan, in order to be objective to pursue an independent Kashmir. Pakistan, but India does not have the suspension agreement, which is a reference to designs of India on Kashmir.

Nehru fully aware that such facts would be able to visit Kashmirunder pressure, the Maharaja to accede to India. Nehru said he wanted to go to Kashmir, the release of Sheikh Abdullah, who was placed under arrest by the Maharaja obtained. However, Joseph Korbel is intended question for us:

But one wonders if Nehru was interested in personal wellness Abdullah - free of political implications - at a time when cooked to the subcontinent with disdain and thousands of people have been killed.

Josef Korbel, Danger in Kashmir, p.60

Lord Mountbatten, Viceroy of India, Nehru did not approve the visit and offered to go himself. Kashmir has visited June 18, 1947, and remained there for four days. Lord Mountbatten was not a real discussion with the Maharaja, as the Maharaja would not be influenced, and discuss the fate of his country and people. It is remarkable that the Dogra king, whose reign was one of the most cruel, not to accept India immediately on the basis of his religion, but attempts toremain independent. This was an attempt to return something good for his people? or its intentions were purely selfish?

Lord Mountbatten was the visit by the visit of Mr. Hastings Ismay, Chief of Staff, Lord Mountbatten was followed. Both proved to be a complete failure as regards the granting of a security by the Maharaja, that he did not declare independence. This shook Nehru and later he went to visit Kashmir. Sardar Patel strongly disapproved of this visit, but the NehruInsistence, agreed to let Gandhi to visit Kashmir, who believe that "lesser evil". Gandhi's distrust was already on the rise among Muslims in India.

As Campbell Johnson found:

Both Nehru and Gandhi were very concerned that the Maharaja of Kashmir should make no declaration of independence.

Campbell Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 117

To eliminate this fear Gandhi visited Kashmir by the end of July 1947. The windows of his car wereIn Baramullah, routes, where an angry mob protesting his visit. However, he was to go ahead and get a cure for his and Nehru's anxiety: a guarantee for the accession of the Maharaja in India.

The Times, London, said:

"... But the Indian Union was here a keen interest in this issue and highlights the fact that the Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir, Sir Hari Singh, recently made a lot of representations was influenced by Gandhi, who visits Kashmir three months ago and otherThe leaders of Congress. "

The Times, London, October 25, 1947

What did Gandhi say that the Maharaja? We will never know, but the chain of events that followed his visit is an indicator of what must have happened. After the visit of Prime Minister of Kashmir, Ram Chandar Kak, who had no desire to India has been replaced by Janak Singh, then India's Chand Mahajan by Republicans. British officials in Kashmir, the army and police have been dismissed and the InspectorInspector General of Police and Chief of General Staff. Contracts for the construction of a bridge over the River Ravi, near Pathankot, so that the connection between India and Jammu and Kashmir have been released. The road between Jammu and Kathua has been improved and built a telegraph line between Jammu and the valley. All this was possible because of support from India.

Gandhi has the cure for his anxiety, but the people of Kashmir have suffered from anxiety since. Gandhi, the manThe peace has brought misery to the people of Kashmir. It 'interesting that after all the pressure, the Maharaja not yet signed the Act of Accession. The British historian Alistair Lamb, in his book distorts the Indian request for the accession of Maharaja signed the instrument.

Kesyon Pou mwa know one? s Forum Investisseurs - HAITI

Délégation Daffaires Limportante dhommes conduite par le Président de Haïti Clinton dinvestissements identifie les opportunités.

Bri-Creole dance music

Bri-Creole dance music

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Wounded flown on Haiti: Raw Video

Christa Brelsford, a student at Arizona State University, was transported to the first wave of Haitian victims of the earthquake in the United States for medical treatment. More news video from Current TV, visit current.com More News on Haiti to the playlist Join YouTube here ... www.youtube.com

Conflitos no Haiti

EE Prof º esli Garcia Diniz-Arujá/SP 3 º A 2009 (morning) Um pouco sobre o Haiti ... Um país em que as tropas brasileiras é de quem cuida manter a paz!

Go to Santa Clarita Rotary Club to Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles in June 2008

The Rotary Club of Santa Clarita, California is very happy at this moment. Because we are our Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles next summer, in June 2008. Santa Clarita is about 30 miles or 48 kilometers north of Los Angeles. The traffic is quite heavy, but is still close enough to us. Rotary International Convention in Los Angeles was not in possession of more than forty years.

Rotary International Convention is an opportunity forRotarians in Santa Clarita and throughout Southern California to meet other Rotarians from around the world. I signed up to host one, which means that I have an evening with two or three Rotarians spent and show them some sites that I think we see as very special.

Can I drive with Hollywood and let them see the view from the magic castle, a place famous for magicians and other artists. I will probably take to the beach in Santa Monica, so thatyou can close to the Pacific Ocean. I decided a long time between now and the time of the convention, where to eat. 'm From Los Angeles and its history, and I can not wait for this opportunity to proudly.

Many of us come from the Santa Clarita Rotary Club is also "Going to Hollywood Bowl with thousands of other Rotarians in one of the nights. There will be lunch and dinner and other events where we can meet with people once a ' years, to the point where the Conventionoccurs.

This is my first international convention, for I am a new Rotarian. I will accept this opportunity to host another, with which I now have a common bond to give "Service Above.

HAITI recent earthquakes VIDEO ...... I do not see the video .... very clearly ..... 7.0 EARTHQUAKE

Homeless of Hispanic and Latino children

There are a shocking number of Hispanic children in foster care in the United States. These children can not find a permanent home for its reputation as a place where they can feel safe and be loved. The problem affects the child's future and the community as a whole.

Approximately 20,000 children aged by the system of custody without ever having a permanent homes each year. Latest figures show there were 513,000 children in foster care in the United States in 2007. Ofthis number is one of five Latinos (or Latino) origin.

The reasons for this figure are:

• Poverty and drug abuse, especially in the poorest areas in large urban centers
• Parents have limited support
• Parents do not have access to useful resources, such as education of parents
• Some of these parents are immigrants who ask no relatives in the United States, which would not have the natural support that they have in their country,
• Many of theThese families also move around a lot

The parents of these children are stressed, are not good examples, and neglect or abuse their children. The Child Protective Services removed the child from home to her in care.

Hispanic and Latino children growing up in the system of trust-Report:

• It 'hard to move and are separated from siblings. They are often jumped around, most other schools have placements with little consistency in their livesgeneral.
• You must learn as part of a family and their faith and / or culture.
• The process of culture and beliefs of particular families in which they found, is to learn again and again.
• The adjustment is for both children and families, provides for the custody and many of the children are hard to find outside of these houses.

E 'need for children to receive adequate support, structure, love, patience and guidance.If these things are not there, like a child had to have a higher risk for:

• emotional problems
• incomplete and / or failure Education
• lack of social skills
• Risk, a part of the criminal justice

That will help these children?

Voices for Children Foundation of Miami-Dade County and the 11th Judicial Circuit Guardian ad litem program, a number of agencies to assist displaced dedicated to children Hispanics. The assumption isemphasize the need to take Spanish families or to promote children Latin.

There is a shortage of houses for Latin Stage. Adoption was made clear the connection of a child a life of Latino Hispanic family is very important.

Adoption and foster parenting is not the only way these children can help. Some volunteer their time and a guardian or court appointed guardian.

There is also assistance for adoptive parents and:

• AccessTraining
• The financial support to adoption subsidies and Medicaid
• A parent, a child with special needs can take a tax credit
• adoptive parents can also help you get into a foster care or adoption of a child by public organizations, such as domestic services and management of social services for children and families.

E 'alarming to note that 99,000 Latino children will be placed in foster care, age, and their meetingexpect it to homelessness. Are part of the forgotten children of America.

Source: Rousseau, M. (2008, April). Children forgotten Americans, Hispanics, 21 (4), 44-46. From June 20, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.

V cry for aid to Haiti because Haiti relief

Haitian V creator Steps Out of character to call for help to support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. Vlad left today in a relief for Haiti Party turned parts. Yele "Text to 501,501 bill that Will $ 5 (donation billed to your phone bill) a. Look Into organizations in Haiti Shiipping If you want to help. Directed by: Thony Remy

Smart City Kochi

The state of Kerala was to pass the rule of the Left and the Congress-led parties, all five years, almost like a ritual. While the policy experts call "anti-tenure factor", in reality, we know that the people of Kerala, to think with a much-vaunted high rate of illiteracy, talk, eat and breathe politics. Very aware of this influence on their political credentials policies.

These changes are associated with frequent power cuts, the state of Kerala, without significant leftProgress in the fields of industrial development and information technology. The state is responsible for his problems at work often and well known is the dreaded "strike". Six decades after the British had left our shores, Kerala remains in a deep ethic, the work of industrial growth discourages blocked.

While states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana and many other countries got on the train of information technology and welcomed the multinational companies with open arms, Keralahas an arrogant attitude, and concluded by these companies.

E 'state after the adoption of the precious time that has occurred to the administration of Kerala, which has been the increase in unemployment and lack of industrial development problems to be tackled if drastic changes in political ideology have been adopted.

In 2003, the then Congress-led government embarked on a mega-project to build a technology park, the house would be IT-enabled services, media services and biotechnology institutionsIn Kochi, the commercial capital of the state.

This would be carried out POS for the entire private equity with the government chipping in with the land at a fair price and all other infrastructure such as electricity, water and other revenue. In return the investor would be to offer the employment of young qualified specialists of the State and their problems of unemployment.

Dubai Internet City, the developers of infrastructure and services, hasduly invited to sign the work of the project details and an agreement with the government. Meanwhile, the entire project was launched almost a non-starter with lots of life, of heat to the government with the opposition parties, and other s envrionmentalists wear raising a fuss about how the state's resources have been plundered and devastated the surrounding vegetation.

After a little 'hot violent conflict and a change of government, the agreement was finally signed with the DubaiInternet City. Smart City in Kochi was built in 1000 acres of land near the government-owned InfoPark the edge of town. With the built space of more than 8.8million square feet, with a total sq.ft. 6.2million for the IT sector alone, the Smart City in Kochi would be one of the largest technology parks in India.

With the uncertainty about the project in between, the team visited the proposed site in December and expressed satisfaction. Smart City in Kochiis an extension of Dubai Internet City in Dubai. A self-contained campus with housing, schools and an entertainment complex, the Smart City, the functioning of society and communication technology. The Smart City will work as the DIC, which offers foreign companies 100 percent tax-free ownership, 100 percent repatriation of capital and profits, no currency restrictions, easy registration and licensing, stringent cyber regulations,The protection of intellectual property.

When it was commissioned by the Smart City project of the state of Kerala went IT world map and free the state from self-imposed prison obsolete ideology and practices are not feasible.

The Nigerian banking system and top banks

As in any other nation, banks and financing is a very important aspect when, for economic development. Before entering the topic, it is important that the fact that Nigeria is an emerging market and the banking system worthy of note is a key factor in a state of living.

The Central Bank of Nigeria

In the case of Nigeria, the most important institution, which is the delivery of the naira currency, the Central Bank of Nigeria, established in 1958 on the basis of controlsOn the law CBN. The goals changed the Central Bank of Nigeria, over time, but today because of the use of capitalization, the banking system has been improved and recovered his strength.

Furthermore, recent improvements in the banking system are also the result of rising oil prices. And 'know that Nigeria is a large distribution of oil in the United States and the application of appropriate financial targets, the entire nation, something has to win - but especially a greater chance of betterLife. The Central Bank of Nigeria enjoyed a great success over the last 2 years because of these trade agreements and for the Nigerian people.

Nigeria Economy

Furthermore, the results of the World Bank, Nigeria's GDP nearly doubled from 2005 to 2007, reaching $ 1,754 per capita in 2007. This is an important result for the economic development of an emerging market like Nigeria. Similarly, it is also a sign that Nigeria is effectively and efficiently with the currentResources, because it is the first biggest oil producer in the world 12.

In addition to the oil industry in Nigeria, there is also a rapidly growing market for telecommunications, which competes globally with other major operators. To maximize performance of the telecommunications sector, the Nigerian government to fight to expand the area of communication, because the nation already has its satellite space.

Best Nigerian banks

Although Nigeria is an emergingMarket, offers a well-developed financial system of local and international financial institutions, brokers, insurance, investments, but also to finance are linked.

In recent years, there are many small banks in Nigeria, which was this delicate, bank fraud and other irregularities. Therefore, to provide reliable financial services, the solution was to carry out mergers. In this way, decreased the number of banks available, but thosehad been a better capital structure and were not reliable. The current Nigerian banks are offering loans with longer terms than before the merger, and this is an important aspect when it comes to funding for local projects.

Surprisingly or not, as of 2006, has the financial sector in Nigeria, the success and recognition worldwide, as many banks in Nigeria have reached the list of the top 1,000 banks in the world. Within this context, the best banks in Nigerialisted in this report are as follows:

. Erste Bank
. Zenith Bank
. Union Bank
. Guaranty Trust Bank
. First inland Bank
. Intercontinental Bank.

In summary, from an economic standpoint and a financial point of view, Nigeria is rapidly approaching middle-income, and this will lead to a better state of life and investment in the nation.

Earthquake Terremoto en Haiti

El32.com Haiti todos los videos de la Gente de esta hablando de el32.com theme

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

War in Iraq - Impact on Muslims

Muslims and Christians have a history of conflict. In recent decades, when the United States was by the peoples of the Middle East it was thought that the conflicts are reduced to goal. United States, but has full support for Israel, the United States suspect in the eyes of Muslims around the world. What impact has the Iraq war had on Muslims around the world?

The war against Iraq was launched with the declared aim of seeking weapons of mass destruction. It ended with the death of Saddam Hussein. After the United States has decided to democracy inIraq. But I do not know how to do this. You can export democracy? United States seeks. You are still looking, dass But it is only in the war between Shiites and Sunnis. As a result, both Shiites and Sunnis in the world in the United States for the deaths of Muslims are to blame. USA has always been known as an enemy of Muslims for no good reason.

Muslims around the world loyalty that transcend the borders of the nation. Muslims feel with each other. They call for jihad and are willing to killbelieved to destroy Islam. Why Muslims educated to be confused about the West is always a mystery to me. What do they want from the west, do not know. If you ask Muslims, exactly what they want from others, can be answered confused. The right way would be to live peacefully with others. But because some of them believe that the West wants to destroy Islam, to lead them to war.

The right idea was for the United States to take a decision of the Council of the Muslim nations and ask them to solve allProblem in Iraq. But this is easier said than done. The common Muslim thinks differently rulers. The rulers of Islamic countries do not want to dabble in Iraq. If the new president can create peace in Iraq is to see. Seems difficult.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit Smith Wigglesworth speaks in Tongues

Smith Wigglesworth has up to a certain point in his life with God when he said: "I can not sleep, I need these languages." A woman in the faith, replied, "Brother Wigglesworth, not the language but need to be baptized. If you allow God to baptize you, who else is good." If you laid hands on Smith, was the fire of God Wigglesworth said: "The fire is falling." Wigglesworth said the experience:

"Then I saw that Godhad eliminated me. It seemed that God has given me a new vision, and I saw a perfect being in my mouth open, saying: "Clean! Sauber! Clean!" When I started saying that I was to speak in other languages. The joy is so great that if I did not say that my language, and I began to worship God in other tongues as the Spirit gave me expression. "

In reality, because it was the day of Pentecost when the Spirit of the Lord came like fire and filled all those who had gathered to pray,is the Spirit of God fill Hungry Hearts today. When filled with the Holy Spirit, has begun to talk - but she speaks "with other tongues" (Acts 2:4). These were the languages of every nation under heaven. Occurred in a supernatural way, the only question was the Galilee (v. 4-8). But all nationalities in the world gathered to hear the gospel of God in their mother tongue.

God sends messengers still in communicationLanguage of the people. God is still in service to overflowing with his Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit still snap, crackle and pop with power, as it was two thousand years! But before God can fill that need to be drained - emptied of self, sin, and perhaps the confessional and teaching. Just like you can take to come to God and the increase of your life.

God has the "diversity of languages," in his Church to build saints and sinners (1 Cor. 12:28).Why God "language" is presented in the church, not the devil, it is imperative that we discover their usefulness and purpose. The devil knows the powerful benefits and purpose of languages. This is exactly why Satan has sought to remove the language of the Church.

Dialog Investisseurs en Haiti

ACT Alliance in Haiti

Alliance ACT, an international network of churches and church institutions to respond to emergencies, responds immediately to the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.

True News: The Truth about Haiti by Radio Free Domain

The real facts behind the disaster in Haiti - the only part of the natural disaster was the earthquake, the rest is done by man. An interview with Carl Lindskoog of the City University of New York. Has the following links for further research: the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti ijdh.org Jubilee USA Network www.jubileeusa.org Recommended Reading: Paul Farmer, by The Uses of Haiti, 3 proposed. Common Courage Press, 2006. Josh DeWind and David H. III Kinley, facilitation of:The impact of international aid for the development of Haiti. Westview Press, 1988. Alex Dupuy, Haiti in the world economy: Class, Race, and Underdevelopment Since 1700, Westview Press, 1989.

Meat eaters Vegetarians Versus

The first people inhabit the earth, ate a diet of fruit and vegetables to the Old Testament. People who kill neither teeth nor claws, nor the speed to catch the animals.

According to Dr. Josiah Oldfield writes;

"Today there is a scientific fact backed up - does not belong to carnivores, but also fruit and vegetables, vegetables, sprouts and semi-eaters."

Take a look at Dr. Josiah Oldfield WebWebsite:


It is a known fact that the consumption of meat from dead animals and some are difficult to digest rotting in the stomach before elimination can take place and this waste rotting in the bloodstream and poisons the whole system.

Carnivores have a much shorter colon to eliminate, if not faster than humans. In humans, causing some residue decomposition in the intestines of premature aging, fatigue,Toxicity and
Worms feast on this type of waste. The cells of the body must be nourished with food law effectively eliminate this waste, and when something of this process, blocks of cells and organs deteriorate and die.

When the meat eaters, they reach the age of 50 years, have accumulated a lot of undigested meat rotting in the gut.

Some people inflicting pain on each other, eat their own kind, murders, abuses his descendants and subjects of crueltyspecies. Can you tell me what animal all his own way or the other?

Influenced this kind of behavior in people with a diet of meat? It plays an important role in the degeneration of the brain, insanity, aggression, and general health problems?

I met groups of vegetarians and found that they do not show this type of behavior, which is easier to get along with, well balanced and in harmony with his family and friends.

As a meat eater,How can one hand, if you eat to help support against the killing of whales, dolphins, seals and other ocean creatures of all meat, if it floats, flies or walks. To eat your dog or cat, but the support I eat cows, chickens, fish, rabbits and sheep, these animals are living beings and have the same right to be here as we do.

Eating meat was never intended to play a role in human nutrition. It is assumed that the barbarous people who are stillenjoy eating meat have no idea of the pain and suffering of these animals have caused.

Think About It! The next time you eat meat YOU!

Mother Earth Africa

Much has happened recently in Africa and was not too good. Killings and rapes of black women, it seems all so crazy. But very little has been done, such as support for the mother country. And for me the big question is, why? As we in this world today we see so many countries in turmoil, and most of them because of internal civil war, but some have a little help from this source of the page. And it works all on a resource group wants to control them andnot share the wealth. Just as in Africa, a place rich in resources and beauty and wonder.

The mother of life, a country in all its miracles, as we know it. The epic center of all the wonders of imagination and joy of heart. But why is there so little to help Africa. Now that only male in Africa. As history shows us that every time there is a problem in Africa more than they should be treated by us! We must strengthen and support in our home of origin. ToWorld take note of what is going on, and finally, perhaps the world will step in and say hey, we can not stand by and watch as it happened, we must do something!

And then begins to look a bit 'as a very good thing.

Listen on local news stations for a while ', maybe a week and then dies. And as the news of the effort dies and you do not hear anything. But only the independent stations, the news agency will show you what really happened there! Indeed, if thenext tragedy happened, and independent stations, he told us about it weeks. Finally, the local

News shows are allowed to do something about it, that last for a week and then again you hear nothing more to see.

And if you want to know the truth, make sure your news channel for all independent real news. Now, if what is happening in Africa was happening when everyone else in the world, would be treated as a catastrophe, andCome here every day and see all the countries of the world to do something about it. But why is Africa, the same old routine set up offices and will not change until we change it! This change must be by the United States of America. Because we rule, or this big ball of wax. When we engage the other countries of mind and say, so now we can not leave to honor all!

And that when things happen for the goodand begins to move amendments. But it's just that the U.S. takes more time to decide to get involved, which is usually when you have to do so badly that you call for calm a big step for turbulence! Why! It's not like we do not see what happened, because we always want to do a major disaster or tragedy for us, what is right. Why!

As I sit here at 5:46 clock I can not help but write to wonder who will read this after I submitted and they receive from peopleAttention to act for the cause of Africa to move to stop the tragedies?

India - which takes the form of presidential government?

The independence of India in 1947. At that time the Indians adopted parliamentary form of government. This was similar to that in Great Britain. This system has also served in India for several decades. But it is also continuing to do so now? India is blocking progress in the parliamentary form of government? This is a question that is asked many times and not the body has the courage to discuss this and modify the green light with it in Parliament, if proved adequate. Why, because all the parties believe thata presidential government, which are independent of weight lost in the government. How has parliamentary system has been in the last ten years? It requires a discussion.

In the past decade, India has been coalition governments. A small group, whose support is crucial for its survival may require this type of government. A party with a dozen deputies, the government can do whatever he wants. We talk about nuclear energy too. There is a general view that India will benefit from it. Butstrong opposition from the left has made it impossible to go forward. Why the Left is against them because they offered the United States. Let be offered by China or Russia, would have on the company, even if not provided for in the national interest. As national interest, left parties have a huge ego trip and blocked all progress. This would not have been possible if the Government of India president was involved.

Today the Prime Minister is seen without power --nothing to do except with non-stop talks with the left and try to convince them. The threat of left-wing support any shares two days back, but do not. They have a game waiting to finally demonstrate to the government in bad light. But the situation is so complex that the Congress Party does not know what to do. It 'a tragedy for the largest share.

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The stripes on the flag of Ireland

The national flag of the Republic of Ireland is a tricolor flag and the first time in 1848. The three stripes of equal size, which symbolizes the flag of the political structure of Ireland. The color orange represents Irish Protestants, the green one for the Republican cause of Irish Catholics and the white stripe is a symbol of peace and hope for the two areas.

In 1690 the King of Scotland, Ireland and England went into battle and defeated thedeposed Catholic King James II at the Battle of the Boyne, somewhere near Dublin. The victorious King William III and known as William of Orange, which are the combination of orange Irish flag on it requires. The victory of Protestant William of Orange in the control of the 'island is a great advantage over other settlers, became in the seventeenth century, these were mainly the English and Scots. The Protestants were also known as Orangemen and one year inCelebration of the battle is one in twelve of the month of July.

The green stripe on the Irish flag symbolizes revolution and is distinguished by the nationalists, the Irish Catholics from the south. In 1798, there was an official flag of Ireland came much earlier than the flag we know today. He had a green background with a gold harp in the foreground. The flag is a symbol of nationalism, its purpose until the twentieth century.

Although the Tricolorwas developed in March 1848 by a militant nationalist by the name of Thomas Francis Meagher, it was only the official flag of Ireland to the declaration of independence from Britain December 6, 1921. It 'been a small change in the arrangement of the first striped flag, the flag of today. The Irish flag, has a long history of conflict, war, respect, peace and lasting ceasefire. The orange and green, the Irish Protestant and Irish Catholic party, the whiteI hope to bring lasting peace to a connection of brotherhood between the two sectors, even if they have a different faith.

Unfortunately, the alleged purpose of the true meaning of the flag, which is total peace and unity between the two great religious sectors are not yet a reality. Shortly after the independence of Ireland, the country was divided into Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State. The British Union Jack was used by Northern Ireland, to symbolize their status. The Irish tricolorhas been banned, are banned in Northern Ireland in 1964 with a law that can bring the use of flags, the unrest within the country. The ban on the flag and its efforts to the tricolor flag of some offices and plants in widespread unrest and turbulence mean that lasted a couple of days to clear, too. The government in Northern Ireland has been to ignore the law and the use of the flag to avoid further chaos to allow it to happen.

Every child counts

Only volunteers

LWF is composed entirely of volunteers to assist at its own expense, though many programs that run to pay for the children. "I'm very hands on, '" says Warwick, "You have a very low overhead and work very hard to get the most effective return on their investments. They have raised nearly $ 1 million last year and have expanded their programs rural China. "

LWF Overhead in 2005 was only 1.7 per cent, and none of the directorsor administrators to take a salary. Love has no lease or rent, utilities and professional fundraiser. They make a conscious effort to be worth every penny for needy children. In 2006, LWF relation to donor states: "We know that our donors have placed their trust in us, and we are good stewards of the funds that are administered with such hope and love for orphans in China."

"E 'for this reason that I feel happy that support them," Warwicksays.

The healing of children with many types of medical needs has always been one of the aims of the Lutheran World Federation. In 2006, LWF has 420 children with life-changing operations, "an increase of over 100 children treated over the previous year. LWF carefully selects the surgeons who use in China, and often children to ensure consignments one province to another, for them to get the absolute best medical care possible.

Loving Foster Homes

"The success of our programs in fosterChina can not be overstated, "the report continued." Once again we see such wonderful progress and development of children placed in loving foster-homes. For this reason, LWF has taken the decision to double its program of expectations in 2006.

Now we have put in more than 300 children in residential care in 12 cities in China. Some of our happiest moments have occurred when children were at first, and for the adoption of a delay so flourished under the care of "Mama" and"Baba", who later claimed to his family. "

LWF diet program grew steadily over the past three years. Love is now caters to 11 orphanages in six provinces with food and opened a bottle of cleft of the Fund. Individual sponsorships for 19 children with special nutritional nutritional needs were also established last year. Every three months LWF broadcasts high quality, nutrient formula ironfortified rice and cereals in an orphanage in hisNutrition program.

Develop training and education

LWF education programs in 2006 to expand further. Currently there are 193 children in programs in eight provinces. Children aged 20 months to young adult college students.

LWF education program is aimed at newer Changde SWI in Hunan province. Believe In Me II, the second school for children with special needs, which opened in September. "Our new teachers Guangdong traveled by trainMontessori methods, and already we can see so much joy in the faces of children at school for the first time in his life, "the report added.

Do not forget the experience

In 2006, LWF sent more than 100 Chinese citizens in orphanages throughout China for the week long experience for the impact on the lives of children. The specialist for music, art, education, attending computer science, English and build orphanages in Henan, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong and giveChildren a camp experience not soon forget. While there, the team also helped with the improvement projects such as muralling orphanage walls, construction of a playground and the establishment of centers for older boys.

For the year 2006. LWF is also expanding its training programs for physical therapy and treatment plans to offer orphanages in China. In July, three teams of therapists Lu'an, traveled Anhui, Ding Yuan, Anhui and Fuzhou, Fujian Province. The children were assessed individually and treatmentStrategies have been developed by the therapist. Physiotherapists created phototherapy pounds for each child, so that workers failed to replicate the exercises with the children. Each child also received a therapeutic tool or a toy, by the therapist.

Jaw Surgery Trips

On 29 October 2006, sent its third annual gap LWF surgical team in Hefei, Anhui province. The operations were in Anhui Children's Hospital in collaboration with the medical staff and has led theMinistry of Health. Eighty children were scheduled for cleft lip or cleft palate surgery.

Forty volunteers from the United States adopted the United Kingdom, Ireland and China in this mission, which consisted of six days after surgery, and on another day of medical information with the local hospital.

The 2006 Annual Report to the donor is not a good understanding of the work of love, but what really catch the meaning and importance of voluntary work can not be seen inthe many images of children are published on the website of the Lutheran World Federation.

It 'not only children, shows the demand for all these activities as director of operations Amy Eldridge blog. She writes: "I always know I had a good day in Shantou, when I stumble to my hotel room in which spitting" up, potty, and lots of hugs. And today was no exception! "

There are many ways to help Beyond Borders, by volunteering to donate funds to support a child. Look attheir website and there will probably be moved to do something.

Miami Haitian Flag Freedom Park Festival 2009

Miami Haitian Flag Freedom Park Festival 2009

Earthquake in Haiti, the first images

Shock of 7 degrees on the Richter Scale

CNN: Earthquake Haiti (Haiti in ruins), 14 Jan.2010

CNN: Earthquake Haiti (Haiti in ruins), 14 Jan.2010 CNN: زلزله هائیتی

Five factors that cause food shortages worldwide

Currently, there is a food deficit of enormous proportions sweeping the globe. These nutritional deficiencies that live in poor countries and least developed countries affected first, but the impact will trickle down, even the highly developed countries rapidly. The scarcity of food is not the case that has caused a shortage due to decreased production as a lack of price increases.

Residents of countries that have a higher percentage of processed foods for processed foods can have stormRead those whose diet consists primarily of first base. This is why people go to eat food to buy many processes on this basis, save money and still be able to pay for their food. Those whose diet consists of basics such as fresh fruit, vegetables and cereals, have nowhere else to go other than hunger.

This food shortage is the result of many different factors, including the price referred to above. There are five main factors of the global food crisisDeficits are transferred quickly into a global food crisis

Five factors that affect global food crisis

1) Increased costs Fertilizer

Farmers in the poorest countries can not afford fertilizer for the fields. Your country is depleted of nutrients so that it can actually improve the food without fertilizer. Rising fertilizer prices, as fertilizer is produced with oil-based energy sources, the price has risen steadily, and for thefast.

2) subsidies for the production of bio-fuels

Biofuels are produced with the same ingredients of foods. Agricultural subsidies are used in the production of biofuels funds not spent on food production and distribution. Although not the only cause, the subsidies for biofuels are a concern because they have no money taken subsidies for food production and biofuel production still requires the use of fertilizers, which uses energy from traditional fossil fuels.

3) PoorDistribution Systems

Donate food to developing countries is a double-edged sword. First, it provides the necessary nutrients, sometimes starving population. On the other hand delivered free food to hungry countries will contribute to price breaks for local producers of food products to eliminate the incentive to produce food locally.

4) the uncontrolled growth of population

Population growth is a vicious circle, especially in developing countries. Families need help for crops in agriculture, sohave more children, the translation of help in different organizations, and more mouths to fill. In addition, measures for birth control are less available in developing countries, the rapid population growth.

5) Drought

Throughout the world, drought in the top food-producing regions to reduced food production and higher prices of units. The drought, the main food producing regions of the United States, including the Southeast, Midwest and Western regions, rising food pricesPrices. Drought in regions of Africa and Australia makes it impossible to grow food, because there is no water to buy and no money to buy it.

Other factors, including political relations, for lack of food worldwide. The five above are the most important factors to a large extent, and because the controlling factor of people (we) have no influence on the weather, or because they are based on a lack of research into energy and alternative fuelsSources.

Stars React crisis in Haiti

Kiefer Sutherland, Yoko Ono and Quincy Jones are among the stars talk about the earthquake in Haiti, as the actual destruction of the disaster comes to light. (15 January)

What does UNICEF to help children

United Nations Children's Fund or UNICEF is an 'organization, the preservation of life and promote the welfare of children dedicated to the world. The organization has made progress in the prevention of disease by improved sanitation and health and hygiene. It was also working to promote gender equality in nations where women oppressed and discriminated against. On its website, giving details of what http://www.UNICEF.org what the organization does to helpChildren all over the world, especially in poor and disaster areas.

One area where UNICEF has made great strides to help children and for the prevention of disease. Globally each year, millions of children die from preventable diseases like malaria, cholera, pneumonia and measles. The organization has worked to provide children with vaccines against many diseases. But it has also helped to provide communities with potable water. In areas plagued by waterDiseases, UNICEF for water purification tablets, water, and sources of clean water, fresh air, in the form of wells and hand pumps. In places where many children die from mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever, the organization has worked for children and pregnant women, helping them with mosquito nets, which have been treated with insecticides. The communities are also provided aid in the construction of sanitation such as latrines. The organization also offersEducation on basic hygiene practices like hand washing.

Promotion of women's rights and gender equality have made another important way in which UNICEF is helping children. Discrimination against women is widespread in the Third World. Of the 875,000 illiterate persons in the population of the world, two thirds of them women. The education of women has a direct impact on the health and welfare of children. Studies have shown that, throughout the world, women without education are five timesless likely that women educated to basic information about HIV / AIDS. Women and girls are at increased risk of infection with the virus than men and boys, and 90 percent of cases of HIV / AIDS in children under the age of fifteen are transmitted from mother to child.

Have in many areas, particularly South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, women lack opportunities to participate in household decisions. In households where women have the power to make these decisions, studies have shown that healthand nutrition of children is greatly improved. UNICEF has worked not only to improve the education of women and girls, but also to educate boys and men to the importance of gender equality and empower women to make financial decisions. To encourage women to educate and reduce gender discrimination, the organization is able to help children, because women are their primary caregiver.

UNICEF has worked for children around the world in the areas of prevention, hygiene and HelpHygiene and training of women and children worldwide. The organization has used the Internet to educate the public about the work he does, as well as the work to be done. Through its website the organization provides information on its programs and assistance to the poor, the world, especially its children. There is also information on what you can do to help.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Yele Haiti

Channel G | www.channelg.tv | Founded by Grammy Award-winning Haitian-born musician and producer Wyclef Jean, Yele Haiti addresses issues related to education, health, environment and community development in Haiti.

Spasm Haiti - Images AP - January 12, 2010 spsyed

"Earthquake Haiti - AP Photo - January 12, 2010. A strong earthquake of Port-au-Prince, Haiti on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Associated Press, the news channels and Haitian officials reported a major disaster. Thousands of people have died in the disaster. E 'was the worst earthquake in nearly 200 years ago. About three million people (33% of the population of the country) is required for rescue and relief to reach. According to AP News, estimates of the earthquake death toll in Haiti nowcollides with the hundreds of thousands of people. AP photographers have captured the resident www.youtube.com devastation British charity Oxfam has extensive experience in Haiti. Oxfam calls for teams from throughout the region to respond, where it is needed most. Oxfam's response will include the provision of drinking water, shelter and sanitation. According to the British Red Cross has reported that more than six hundred wounded. Most of the island's infrastructure was severely damaged and disrupted communications, peopledesperately trying to contact their relatives. DONATE NOW and help Oxfam to respond to this requirement or www.oxfam.org.uk the donation of the British Red Cross in www.redcross.org.uk?spsyed Thank you.

Earthquake Haiti - Haiti Earthquake

Earthquake Haiti - Haiti Earthquake

Cosplay Idols

Cosplayers as aspirants, should be at least a cosplay idol. Why? Almost all those who have always been successful at all inspired for the first time by someone else. Someone who motivates them as well or even better a day. Hey, that's big dreams anything is possible. Who knows, you might end up so well, cosplay, who earn their living. Imagine, the rest of your days, visitors to conventions around the world and get paid for it! Yes, feelsme. Such a thing exists. . . and no, it is Somewhere Over The Rainbow ".

Random Fun Fact:

In Japan, what are known as cosplay cosplayer or professional models. Yes, pay, people are here to get the dress costume and photographed. Sounds like a sweet job, eh? But take very seriously their job, and must, because professional cosplayer $ 150 per hour, on average, demand, and more, all 30 minutes later. Moreover, the fact that professional cosplaydoes not require a degree in school or special training makes it a highly competitive sector.

We all know the importance of screenshots for reference cosplay. They help you, "right" and make your cosplay "is incorrect." But we come to terms with all the L cosplayers today, and the ubiquitous Misa Misa, Sasuke, Axel and Roxas cosplayers around, an 'exact cosplay' is sometimes not enough to stand out in a meeting again.

So how to do a cosplayOutfit that transcends all others? This guy makes congoingers stop and look fear in the crowd around you add to your creative cosplay, or ask to take photos of you and then both Glomp breaks ribs and die? . . . Okay, maybe not the last. . .

But the point is that if you're at a convention cosplay want, maybe even win one (or all) of the costume prizes, then you need a costume that is head. How do you do this? First, find a cosplay idol.This is someone who look to themselves is to get better. Ask yourself: "What makes them so good?" And 'its accessories? Or his attention to detail? Your choice of fabrics, or the nature of their attitude and personality shine through in the photos? Pay particular attention to the costume you are trying to re-create, use your imagination and a bit 'of your personality to your cosplay.

Popular Idols Cosplay include Internet celebrities and professional Japanese cosplayer Adella Arisa Mizuhara.But there are many, many talented cosplayers out there. Check the website in the resource box for even more Idols Cosplay!

Tim Gheithner / Board of Governors until veranda - about earthquake Haitian

As we move into 2010, many things have come to light already, and were covered by other things the standard operating procedure of the propaganda machine. Regardless of what was the cause of the earthquake in Haiti, I personally still want to know why Tim Gheithner not in handcuffs and chains of high treason. As the Board of Governors, a look at the link. This is a short long pages, and tells the whole story quite efficient. Ten regional governors will be chosen byPresident, took some say that if they drop the hammer on you, the American people. (through the law of war) We have a hell of a lot to come this year received. I have not touched the food crisis will take attention. It's the real deal this time. www.bloomberg.com www.politicalcoffeehouse.com www.whitehouse.gov If you have a fan of Google Earth, the USGS has a plugin for Google Earth shows that will position and size of the recent earthquake. Do not have a connection available.

AIDS orphans in Africa

What kind of picture is this magic in my head when you think of AIDS orphans? Brown baby skin, bones and sick children. Why? Because the words of AIDS orphans is synonymous with Africa. This is the heritage of Africa.

There are a number of reasons why this is so. Some of them are listed below:

· People and the poorest countries in the world can be found here.
Women · The most oppressed and disadvantaged in the world are here.
The ·Africa is the continent with migrant workers.

What has this to do with AIDS? The poor can not afford the best medical care and proper nutrition. If you're poor and you have an oppressed woman, even less. Are usually those who stay home to take the family. Men are people in cities, towns, and sometimes found in other countries work. Along with finding work, are also friends, and HIV / AIDS.

Parents are sick and eventually would die one by one. TheLike the orphans left to take from each other. Their guardians are absent. They are victims of oppression and other abuses themselves. She has no money for school, the right diet. There's even without the skills to days to live for a day. Cultivation, the cultivation of vegetables in the diet. Teachers who had taught them how to cultivate the land died.

Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa is the continent most affected the world of the scourge of HIV / AIDS.Orphans, especially children and adolescents under 15 years are the most vulnerable group.

These orphans are usually born into poverty. At the moment the parents are usually for children left. N. chicken in the yard for food. N. goats. The neighbors are also poor.

Fortunately, the situation is no need to be as bleak as that. Organizations such as UNICEF and the young heroes of Swaziland is doing its part. UNICEF is a campaign in which all of usa role.

There is a glimmer of hope in this situation very badly. The World Health Organization, WHO, says that an NGO has conducted a survey of 28 countries in Africa south of Sahara. The results are encouraging. It was found that orphans estimated at between 3.3 and 5 million were always some form of public services such as education, health care, economic support, etc. It 'also found that of 100 children with parents who have attended school, 79 orphans were visiting schools. Thiscould be partly attributed to the abolition of school fees.

E 'touching to see that Africa is also something for you. Some African countries, like Swaziland to take very seriously this pandemic.

Critical moments in the Crossfire


How do I come? Coaches Gary Connery, stuntman and philanthropist. Gary plans to run and raise BASE-jumping in the United States, one billion U.S. dollars for charities of their children. Gary and his wife Vivienne are global ambassador for international charity Global Angels Molly Bedingfield "champion of the needs of children around the world."

Gary was once a base-jumping Nelson's Column in London to raise awareness for the Dalai Lama andSituation in Tibet. Molly had the ambition of life to meet the Dalai Lama. Vivienne networking has started to assemble everything. Colin Mullan When they met over the weekend a life of Dave Rogers' Shift turned out that he, Richard Moore, who had invited the Dalai Lama knew he was the keynote speaker at a two-day conference on the Rights of the Child in Ireland North with "a promise for the future."

Gary was brought to Hawaii to shoot Indiana Jones 4, and I was in the right placeright time, when he generously offered me his seat.

Beyond words

In short, even close to the Dalai Lama is surprising to hear talk of movement he inspired and blessed as I was about to shake hands and personally, the energy that conveys the experience is beyond words.

For those who know Michelle is not surprising that they got their hands go at a press conference during the press conference and then what was XL Magazine, one of only six from 50 to 60 journalists to beOnly one application.

What can entrepreneurs do?

After headlining XL and what it stands for, "Michelle asked the Dalai Lama:" What is the entrepreneurs can influence the world's largest is to focus on today? "

He answered without hesitation: "Education, (pause), but not knowledge, the heat. Continued to explain that if we teach our children about compassion and forgiveness, instead of growing only the transmission of knowledge,be able to resolve their conflicts.

He added that people with self-confidence was a small business owner could have effective training programs. His Holiness explains that demonstrates a lack of confidence often leads to frustration, anger, turns the conflict itself. Thus the reversal of this cycle does not resolve the conflict in a nonviolent way possible.

Sustainable Giving

He stressed that it is not enough to give farmersaway their money - they need to make sure, as it is sustainable!

In his programmatic address, His Holiness reiterated this point and is the importance of respect and care "mothers in society" and "Energy mother." He stressed the importance of religious secularism, which he did not specify how the belief in one faith to the exclusion of all others, but by the conviction that working for you, while all other respects. As he said himself, "Buddhism is the best thing for me."

AChoice for a better future

The conference was organized by 'Children in the Crossfire "on its 10th anniversary. The organization is a significant and lasting contribution to eradicate poverty and give children the opportunity to choose a better future.

The extraordinary story of children in Crossfire has its roots, and what began as a tragedy ended in a triumph of human spirit to overcome violence and its negative associations. When only 10 yearsold, during "The Troubles" in 1972, Richard Moore, was a rubber bullet fired at point-blank, taken on the bridge of his nose and was dazzled. Richard was a moment for this "critical"! Surprisingly, it has never been bitterness to his positive attitude towards life. "I've learned is to see life in a different way," as he describes his remarkable acceptance of what was mostly a debilitating injury.

Critical moments

In his 35 years of blindness, which hasa husband, father, accomplished musician and successful businessman. In 1996, there was a time when "critical" as he used to wish that was all he had learned and put them in the service of humanity - especially for children who, like him in the crossfire of violence have been captured, and poverty.

Ten years after its foundation, to place children in Crossfire, a national organization with an extended reach in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This is aremarkable testimony to the indomitable spirit of a man who has turned personal tragedy into triumph and now wants to bring healing and reconciliation in the world.

Hero of the Dalai Lama

Pain, Richard Hand, said the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, "Whether you believe it happened or not, you are my hero, and a wonderful son of humanity. Despite your enormous painful experience that you have no anger or l 'hate. You accept that and hold your peacemind. Are a good example and role model. "

Richard Moore embodies what is His Holiness - compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation. Powerful confirmation of Richard closed the conference with a surprise, with an invitation to the stage of a soldier, introduced simply as "Charles" had shot him.

I could not understand that it is a powerful symbol for the themes of compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation, as the three of them together on stage receiving a standing ovation. Therewas not a dry eye in the house.

Blind Vision

He decided some time ago, Richard on the trail of his assailants, and went to England to meet him, to forgive him personally. Became friends. This incredible story is now a major BBC documentary, Blind Vision (with 2007).

Richard Moore has shown that the Dalai Lama gave a speech in Belfast two years ago inspired him to continue the search for Carlo. His ambitionsThe meeting of the soldier until he heard the Dalai Lama speaks of its history without realizing it, Richard was in the room.

"I was amazed at the compassion of the Dalai Lama gave me when I told him my story, when we met," said Richard. "I was even more surprised when he mentioned me in that day. He did not know I come from and I did not know I was going. I thought that if the Dalai Lama is my story important enough to tell people I could the last step and write a lettersoldier. "

The Dalai Lama in Derry

Richard never thought he would see the day when the Dalai Lama will visit Derry, his hometown, at his personal request. "In deciding who would be a good man, our keynote speaker, there is a person who looked at the issues of compassion, human rights, forgiveness and peace. No one description that best fits the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.

"When I Charles last year, I wrote to His Holiness to say.I closed by saying that we had a conference and asked him to speak with them. Response within 10 days, he said, has come. For me there is no other, contains better what is our work on Children in Crossfire. "

Source of hope

"It 'wonderful for the person who has suffered, and the person who caused suffering to see the real friends. There is true friendship and happiness, which is based on forgiveness," said the Dalai Lama. "I have Richard'sDaughters how important it is that the father has taken the spirit of forgiveness and compassion, from generation to generation. This is the third time I met Richard. His mind is always happy. If the tragedy that happened to me, I like him, if he would act with such grace, I do not know. "The Dalai Lama said he hoped that Richard would have been history for all as a source of hope to say.

Richard Charles and now on a journey of friendship began to reach even moreand inspire others to a difference of one that best fit the way 'to make us - and then ask them to act.

The Burden Called Commonwealth Games - Law and Order - Part 5

The Delhi police is a unit of amazing. A Delhi policeman is the average unsuspecting expat and his cavalier attitude to the surprise of everyone, and the brutal treatment to be delivered, can be seen around in our society. He may act like a gorilla illiterate in a moment and then gently and the threat of change for the next sweet smile, perhaps to extract a bribe!

To complement such a choice specimen of a police force, we have the hordes of criminals, rather than on the streets.Delhi has not insane criminals on the street, perhaps as Mumbai. Criminals here are lurking in the corners to the naked eye. Only when he gives free rein to your suspicion that the petty criminals swarming around you, like how to eat termites as regards the core of the city.

In this mosaic of law and order components is expat, the unhappy. Some immigrants come here - has already begun to show. Other tests get faster, was to venture into this swirling massmore chaotic, confused and implementers of these laws. Most of them, however, is to completely isolate themselves from paying huge sums for travel expenses and subsistence award, or completely shaved in an attempt to put their skills against termites. And while she cheated by the local drug dealers, you can enjoy the fun of the police from a distance, engaging only when called! This is because, unlike other places in the world - the police here forever, "as" someone with a need. Voteshas never seemed to take a proactive protection of the law.

So advice for expatriates to come here at the Commonwealth Games 2010

At first you do not trust anyone (and I mean none). In addition to those you know before you get to close, or interact with, treat everyone as a criminal or speakers smooth to receive your money by fair means or foul means.
Do not trust the police. You can "pocket"! Many areas are signs strong enough to bend the law to suit theirNeeds
Keep the phone numbers of officials of the embassy in practice. Have ready a trusted friend or acquaintance who offer advice in dealing with dilemmas.
Keep the important things in safe places! Do not store things scattered around you like a beach party.
Move quickly in crowded areas and stay alert. Do not follow the dealer "in theaters" on the back of the building! Being aware of the circumstances around you at all times.
Official information only when absolutely necessary.May be more of a problem than a solution to be so careful what you say when you approach them.
Do not go to the offers of "very cheap". India is full of fraud, the passport of extremely poor quality of goods at prices that are slightly below normal. If the seller will give a discount of more than 50% above the MIP should be ringing alarm bells!
Avoid using public transport after ten o'clock at night. During the night only taxis of trust and radio taxi from your hotel or the location of the proposedAccommodation.
There are a number of useful tips for expatriates who come here during the Games. Are some of the important above. For more information on how to conduct yourself while you're here looking for a trustworthy person, or at the embassy or the organizing committee.

Haiti Earthquake - HAARP depopulation of natural disaster or attack? You decide Heres The Facts

Some of these concepts seem to be very controversial for many people. The video contains some speculation. Speculation based on facts that we already know. Use your mind. The search for you. How to Play the HAARP: Curriculum 101

วันพุธที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Haiti Earthquake kills pockets abolition of people ...

The total destruction of Haiti Earthquake kills thousands of people ... Link to history www.cnn.com Donate now www.oxfam.org.uk

Gift Giving Customs in Japan

The process of gifts is a universal phenomenon, but shape the way that is different around the world. E 'especially the case in Japan, where gift giving is a unique process, complete with rules that are followed to ensure that no one insulted. If you plan to go to Japan and stay there for some time have, you better be familiar with some of the gift, there are practical.

Often occurs in Japan are among his colleagues, July 15 and January 1 exchanged. So ifJapan to this day when society will be willing to make and take home, many gifts.

In Japan the emphasis is not the gift itself, but for the gifts of art, so as not to make an expensive gift or a low cost to worry about. It is important that the Japanese, who made a gift.

Always present a gift with both hands, not with one hand in front of the door and another to the side or behind his back. These gestures show a lack of intimacy and sincerity.

If you have apersonal gift for someone, you must never give in private and in front of a group. It was considered offensive for a gift that you give to someone in a group, but do not give a gift to someone of the same rank in the corporate structure.

Before accepting a gift, always politely refuse once or twice.

If you are invited into a Japanese house, of course, cakes or candy and a bouquet of flowers which always have an odd number, with the exception of nine to lead.

Remember whenYou will receive a gift from someone in Japan, you must give a gift back to them, not offend.

Some of the gifts accepted in Japan to give steaks are frozen, links and pen and pencil in September bracelet.

However, to ensure that all gifts lilies costs, because more often associated with the funeral of each other in the context of white flowers and potted plants. It is a superstition that says that pot in Japan promoting the disease in a job or family, so as to avoid, such asFever, no pun.

Other gifts to avoid include four or nine out of nowhere, as unfortunate as these figures. Avoid red Christmas cards. Red cards are often used for funeral instructions for printing, so it's exactly the opposite effect you're looking for when you get them to hand out at Christmas.

Before traveling to a foreign country for business or personal travel, always make sure you understand the customs of the region. If, after Japan, yo should be particularly careful.You can undo all the good work you have done just to look at some simple rules of behavior. It's too painful, like the worst thing you can do is offend anyone, without knowing, that if you call or accept a gift.

Transfomasyon Bay Kob - Haiti

Transformez les produits peuvent reduire Agricole des fruits et les pertes significant amélioré la vie des milliers de gens. Il ya de l'espoir! Piti Piti zwazo fe nich li.

Haitian Voodoo

Haiti is a Catholic country. But daily life is still ongoing for the rhythms of spirit religion. video.nationalgeographic.com

Haiti 2010 earthquake

Members of Global Culture Group of the Community and their friends, relatives, and for all those who are affected by the devastation in Haiti and there .... Keep in mind that you are not alone. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. I hope to hear from you in the future, and I pray alive and well. To anyone else who is blessed for not being involved in this terrible nightmare of Mother Nature for the people of Haiti and parts .... I urge you to do what ever you please help. When you enterPenny ... so please do so. If you can make a dollar ... then please do so. Massed together our spare change can make a big difference in the lives of survivors. And if you do not save a dime I hope you send your prayers to heaven above Haiti and all those who are there. They need us ... each of us ... and our prayer. Peace be with you. Kalena Reyna

CTI in Haiti

See how a partnership with CTI Meds and Food for the children of Haiti to provide therapeutic feeding for severely malnourished children and young people with AIDS in Haiti.

5 Issues for children in Africa

I will simply create a list and give my brief summary of each point, which I do too. If you take the time to read the article until the end, you will get more valuable insights to this serious problem.

Most of them can not afford to go to school or are forced to abandon

A good education is important for improving the lives of African children. Children in Africa, lack of financial resources that would go to school. A large part of the AfricanPopulation does not have people living below the poverty line, and many families can afford to take their children to school because it is expensive. For example, 69% of people living in Swaziland, with only about $ 3 per month. This has caused under privileged children who do not have formal education.

Rape is another issue that the children were compared to see on the African continent

Sexual violence is one of the greatest crimes against children, thus threatening the lifemany of them. Violence, domestic violence and discrimination are just some of the things that children need to go through pain every day of their lives.

Structures of African countries have poor health care that have led to increased health problems for children

The lack of health facilities has increased the number of deaths in children. The children suffer from water-borne infections from lack of drinking water. The children also receive health problem byMother to child in which to create the abuse of alcohol and drugs and abnormal maternal growth disorders in children.

Another problem faced by the children of hunger caused by poverty, where there is shortage of financial resources to purchase food

Hunger and malnutrition in children has led underweight. Most African countries rely on food donations to feed hungry children, as well as there are orphanages, where orphans and care are givennecessary basic needs.

A large number of children in Africa are infected and / or the pandemic of HIV / AIDS

This brought the number of orphans and vulnerable children has increased and a large number of young people without parents or guardians are. The pandemic has led to a large number of children breadwinner. Moreover, because these children are not adequately informed, have a high probability of contracting HIV, while careparents are ill or investing in "Sex Games" commitment.

AP Reporter: Haiti, a scene of tragedy, despair

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO. Tony Winton describes the Associated Press that he died after his arrival in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where thousands of fear after a devastating earthquake that struck Tuesday evening looks. (13 January)

วันอังคารที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Major Quake Hits Haiti, breaking in hospital; abundant feared losses

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - A strong earthquake of poor country of Haiti Tuesday, the collapse of the presidential palace and many other important public buildings and feared significant losses in what a witness called in A major, major disaster. The quake had a magnitude of 7.0 and was centered about 10 miles west of the capital, Port-au-Prince, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by at least eight aftershocks of 5.0 or starchlarger, the USGS reported. "The people out there screaming, crying in the streets, to call," said Karel Zelenka, director of Catholic Relief Services office in Haiti, the Washington Post. "You see the extent of the damage," he said, but can do little to save people. Copyright 2010 MSNBC www.msnbc.msn.com

The technology - the key to alleviating poverty in the world

Modernity has brought the solution to many human problems. Science and technology have become an integral part of everyday life. Technology is used to answer the questions dangling and helpless humanity. Modern invention, and the tools are used to make life easier. Technological progress has helped people to eradicate poverty.

People were optimistic that the technology will be the answer to all human suffering, particularly those related to poverty. Was alsoI hope that solve space travel and nuclear energy, all the problems. Through this false idea of the people lost and consumes natural resources in the name of rapid economic growth and social development. He came at a time that advances in technology to know that they had withdrawn from the clean water, fresh air and healthy atmosphere. The pollution has led to global warming, food crisis and poverty. Poverty is a serious problem of modern times.

Despite the technicalProgress is the development and progressive nation wants good things of life. The prey are the worst countries in the developing world. The countries in the developing world, followed the West blindly and ruined their economies and the environment. This technology was not suited to the circumstances of people in the developing world. Technology without the infrastructure and expertise needed is just a waste of resources. It does not help to overcome poverty.

The technology is only useful ifIt does not hurt the local culture, society, and abilities. This technology is called appropriate technology. Only this kind of technology is useful for the elimination of poverty. Only appropriate technology is the solution to the problem of poverty.
Certain circumstances Technology

It took a lot of time to the conclusion that only the appropriate technology, the best way to reach deal with the problems of everyday life. Use of technology to local conditions is a new phenomenonand a lot of help in the fight against poverty and food crises.

Acclimation of technology is the only way the problems of poor countries to solve. Jurisdiction must be adapted to the needs and resources of a particular community, is the only way to eradicate poverty. It uses the innate abilities and means that local conditions are appropriate. Is not harmful to the atmosphere and helps people overcome the multitude of problems.

CorrespondentThe technology is only as regards the current problems of poverty and solve. Technology is responsible for all aspects of life. Reached its climax in the ascent. This development may be useful if we have the technical know-how, which, according to our local situation. Small technical projects for the supply of energy and power are the foundation of all programs for the eradication of poverty in context.

People and states must also take advantage of technical advances mainly in the energy,Communications and information technologies to provide energy for the bad policy and the tax advantage. Information and communication are fundamental elements of universal production, business, investment and capital flows. Of these technologies in poverty reduction programs is needed.

The technology that supports local growth, employment and local enterprises, in reality, the technology is real.

It strengthens the local economic development and community participation inDevelopment projects.Technology with its roots in traditional skills and resources will be the only way to independence, autonomy, and get rid of poverty.

In the end we can say that the use of the Internet for access to projects and stay in touch with the markets of the world is also an important technology for reducing poverty.It is to coordinate all efforts in this direction and can in meeting the help to succeed.

If you want the Mexican immigrants in the United States

America is a country that has been established by all immigrants who came to settle there. The original settlers in America are Indian-Americans who live there, which for thousands of years already, even before Christopher Columbus discovered. Many people are wondering the answer to the question of why Mexican immigrants came to America.

1. The first answer to the question why immigrants came to America because most of them came from always being saved by a persecutedsect. The Irish immigrants were like some of the Mexican immigrants, because they were afraid of was always followed by the Church of England.

2. The second answer to the query because Mexican immigrants came to America to escape famine in Mexico. A great famine occurred in the eighteenth century.

3. To find the third answer to the question of why Mexican immigrants came to America, a good opportunity for a job. Many workers were needed if America was tobecause many were needed for the construction of infrastructure. Many of them were farmers and carpenters. Some of them even sent money to their families who remained in Mexico. This is still a situation that has happened today.

4. The answer to the fourth question of why Mexican immigrants came to America because they wanted to seek adventure. Many people from other countries, including Mexico, the New Found Land is one, and she wanted to see for the adventure. Many of themliked what they saw in America and decided to settle there permanently.

5. Fifth, the answer to the question of why Mexican immigrants came to America, is there to be able to escape the hardships in Mexico. They also came with some relatives already living in the United States to rejoin. Many Mexicans settled in Texas, Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico.

Texas was once an area of Mexico. Then, General Antonio Lopez and his troops fought in a war at San Jacinto. ThenTexas is one of the states of America and for this reason the Mexicans and Americans fought over it. Then the Americans and Mexicans in Mexico City put down for a while '. The Mexicans then decided to enter into a contract with the United States, so they can regain sovereignty in Mexico, and so they have lost five hundred square miles in America. The area had many Mexicans who chose to become American citizens. These days, many immigrants come from Mexico to the higher laborWages. Most of them work in factories and buildings.

More Help Needed for these poor girls

The company recognizes that one of the worst things that can happen to a child, rape and sexual activity is premature, at least in Western countries. But not so in some eastern countries, where women are in the hands of men.

A documentary on the ABC in Australia has raised the work of an Australian doctor Catherine Hamlin in Ethiopia. In c1958 she and her husband, Reginald Hamlin responded to an advertisement for doctors are willing to serve in Africa. Reg died 15 years ago and since thenCatherine has started work together in Addis Ababa, the capital continued.

They started in a hospital to treat the thousands of young girls who were due to an early pregnancy, create damage their organs. The most popular and most serious of these is obstetric fistula. This is a hole in the birth canal that connects the bladder and / or rectum, through the long and painful. Because of their immature age, the pelvis is not large enough to allow the head of the fetus through.Some girls have to work for days, one day for 10

Of course, children have died at that moment and told her about an account being removed from the womb in pieces. These girls must go daily to the nearest hospital and back to the thinking that prevails in their community, may suffer from treated and usually alone.

Most women in the articles were crosses tattooed on their bodies and had his face. But where the welfare and care isfor these poor little girls, when they, in some religious leaders. Many of these girls have been removed for potential husbands age of seven or eight, and become slaves to his family until the age for having children. This usually happens when they reach puberty, when they are continually raped.

One girl said that treatment in the hands of his parents. Was forced to carry enormous loads in large ceramic pots for large distances. The result is his low stature andsuffered terrible pregnancy. The doctor treating his case could not even lift an empty version of such a container.

After his birth, torture, can not be cast in a live birth, these girls constantly leak urine or faeces or both pieces of fabric that separates the vagina from the bladder or rectum, it dies and falls. The result is that the smell of them, are socially unacceptable and should be issued, as a rule of husbands, families and friends.

Some women are so badextent that had not been treated with surgery and a teenager on display in a connector failed after 3 The bladder, in his case was so badly damaged that only part of it was operational.

These women live for years in terrible conditions, do not expect most of us endure animals. One woman told of sitting all night on a piece of wood because of the wet ground beneath it. Because of their negligence, and the young age could be placed in orphanages in eachWestern countries, but in this case, these facilities do not exist. You are at the mercy of the parents or the elements, while the defense of himself. If so a child can also suffer from their isolation or to be claimed by the mother, to be held in the house of his father. So the reward for the pain and suffering is the pain and suffering ..

This tragedy is rarely aired, but the work of the doctor 'has brought to light, at least in Australia. Catherine is aging and can not be too long, but stillhire more doctors, if the means and the will is there. But there is a world in which sympathy for the people in this situation, someone knows who is doing something. This is the purpose of this article. And 'my desire to raise awareness about the situation and I hope that through the funds and contribute to the hospital, doctors, and finally the country.

Some women travel hundreds of miles to the hospital and do not really many. Treated with only 30 patients a week, said Dr. Hamlinthat tens if not hundreds of thousands of cases of these, there are all over the country, and this is what came to light in Ethiopia.

If nothing is done to help the victims of such treatment then all that can help, and do nothing, is surely the pain of her. These girls are denied education, contraceptives and understanding of marriages during slavery, forced and slaughtered. The facts are that there is little money to help these girls, but the people in Ethiopia and can helpif they wish. The end of the Australian doctor Fred Hollows, traveled for years to perform an eye surgery, so that people could suffer severe cataracts see again. His work continues with its foundation. It is not too much to expect that a fund could be formed to help these poor little girls can.