Karen I have found a very high mountain communities of ethnic groups, especially in northern Thailand, accounting for nearly half the entire population of mountain communities. They live in several provinces along the western border with Thailand and continues to occur in Thailand. The Karen tribe come from Burma and the border between Thailand and Burma. During the past century have moved further into Thailand to avoid political turmoil. The groups include the Karen Padong and the famous "Longneck" ethnic groupsymbolized by the bronze seal rings they wear around their necks. Karen settlements are normally at lower altitudes than the other mountain people - about 500 meters above sea level and is often in the valleys. They move often, and many villages located in the same place for hundreds of years. You weaving skills, with women weaving sarongs and dresses, while men weave large baskets of rice and storage fabric.
The Akha are probably comingfrom southern China or Tibet. Linguistically belong to the Tibeto-Burman group and their position on the Lolo tribes of Yunnan (southern China) in context. The tribe Hani in Yunnan province is very similar to the Akha. Most Akha are in northern Burma, Laos and North-West Northern Thailand found are of the view that migration to the south by Tibet and China can be helpful. Akha different groups with different strains can be distinguished by their costumes and hairstyles in differentTheir models of jackets and headgear of a different shape.
The Akha prefer to an altitude of over 1,000 m. Live practice increasingly shifting cultivation of dry rice, corn, vegetables, peppers, beans and livestock. They believe in all kinds of spirits and the village gates are located at both ends at the entrance to every village Akha, is the question of protecting the village from many ghosts outside. In a house located across the extended family, a gapThe separation of men and women. The man is monogamous and married couples with a small flat, apart from the big family home.
Hmong groups are present in many countries, including China, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, and can also sub-groups, which may be defined by different styles and colors of clothing to be distributed allocated. Hmong families are dominated by men, and after marriage the bride moves into the man's house, the Hmong areknown to have several wives. They prefer to move their villages at a height of 1000-1200m and the practice of cultivation is set, moving long distances in search of better land. They grow mainly dry rice and corn and vegetables, and worship their ancestors and many other spirits. The priests and shamans of the village are very important for the community and their ceremonies bare some resemblance to the Chinese culture.
The Lisu are likely to come from southern China (andprobably from Tibet before that), her first in Thailand and Myanmar, about 80 years ago and can be further divided into two smaller groups. They are part of the Tibeto-Burman linguistic group and their culture is closely linked with the Chinese are linked. Chinese New Year is celebrated New Year in the supply of spirits of ancestors and their village guardian spirit. The dress of women in dazzling costumes as colorful dress with thin colored stripes around the neck andUpper limbs.
When a man marries Lisu there is always a dowry for the bride to pay and are usually outside of marriage only clan, were practicing monogamy.
The Lahu is believed to have originated in Tibet and later migrated to China, Laos, Burma and Thailand. It can be further divided into several groups and are classified among the Tibeto-Burman linguistic group, including the dialect of Lahu Na is recognized as a standard. Lahu hunters which means:Yes, hunters are great, the men go into the forest, sometimes for several days at a time to hunt. Clan plays no significant role in the Lahu village and the village chief has the power to more with the rules of the village will be decided by consensus. The Lahu how to stay mobile and if you do not like the rules of the village, which will move a little 'and find another one, this is not a problem, as the villages are all considered as an extended family to see.
The Yao (Mien) arevery similar to the Hmong community and are part of the Austro-Thai linguistic group. Their culture is similar to that of the Chinese New Year and celebrate the same records that use Chinese characters in traditional songs and legends. Many also speak Mandarin or Yao Yunnan, are found in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong in China, like Vietnam, Laos, Burma and Thailand.
Yao families usually consist of an extended family and how the Hmong, Yao, men are allowed to take more thanwoman. In the past, the Yao were highly mobile, always in search of better land. The Yao and share their villages in the mountains and will not be removed from a different tribe. The women are skilled in sewing and embroidery, with men as a great silversmith again as the Hmong.
The group Katu is found primarily in Vietnam, but in Savanakhet the Laotian border in the provinces and Sekong, live in mountainous areas and belong to the Mon-Khmer DivisionAustro-Asian family. Women have the responsibility for the family and the education of children, and for much of the agricultural work. Men are the decision makers and the authority to take home.
Alak and lavas
Also part of the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austro-Asiatic family. They live on mountain slopes at an altitude of about 600m. That the practice of slash and burn, and the group can Alak in southern Laos, near the plateau Bolaven is found, theThe horse between the provinces of Attapeu, Champasak, Sekong and Salavan.